Development of the Anticorruption program of the company
Audit firm “MK Audit” provides services for the development of anti-corruption programmes, anticorruption audit.
Anti-Corruption program
Anti-corruption program, through whichthe fight against bribery at all levels of government will begin, came into force. The Law of Ukraine “On prevention of corruption” was adopted in 25.11.2014. Since its adoption all enterprises of Ukraine are obliged to have in place its anti-corruption program.
Anti-corruption program is a set of procedures, rules and standards by which you can identify, prevent and eradicate corruption in activities of legal entities.
Who must has the anti-corruption program?
- State, state and communal enterprises and business companies where the state or municipal share exceeds 50%, the number of employees for the financial year is 50 persons and the gross income is UAH 70 million.
- Legal entities that are bidders, according to the Law of Ukraine “On public procurement” and pre-qualification.
Anti-corruption program can be approved only after discussing it with the employees of a legal entity. The text should be in the public domain, so that every legal employee at any time has benefit from it. The criterion of program success will include assessments of progress. The Anti-Corruption will help achieve rapid success in the activities and established patterns of law. The provisions of the program should be included in the employment contract, internal regulations legal.person in contract, which are legal entities.
Anti-Corruption, according to the law “On prevention of corruption”, recommends the following:
- the procedure for the protection of employees, information of an authorised person that there were some difficulties and disagreements among workers, causing a perceived, actual or potential conflict, conflict resolution;
- compliance with the rules of professional etiquette;
- availability of applications and the number of persons which may be subject to a provision of the law;
- extensive list and descriptions of all anti-corruption measures, procedures, standards and their application;
- the existence of rights and obligations of employees and shareholders legal person in connection with combating corruptive activities of legal entities;
- the existence of rights and duties of Authorized officials, responsible for the termination of corruption and subordinates
- the order of the report of the Authorized person before the founder and the exercise of compulsory supervision and monitoring compliance with all rules of anti-corruption program legal entity, the evaluation of the results;
- conditions of confidentiality if the employee of the facts of corruption crimes and to inform the Authorized person;
- consultations Authorized representative of the employees with regards to the use of anti-corruption procedures and standards;
- training of employees in the sphere of combating and preventing corruption;
- the application of appropriate sanctions to employees who violate the provisions of the anticorruption program;
- informing state agencies and investigations in detecting corruption-related offences;
- changes in the anti-corruption program.
Formal and not serious approach to anti-corruption program guarantees its failure and inaction, since it must be linked with activities of enterprises and legal persons of enterprises. To create a high-quality anti-corruption program, please contact us and your business will be within the law.
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